The Way We Haunt Now
- Season One Content Warning
- Featuring: “Ghosts” by Chamomile (available under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license on the Free Music Archive)
- Link to PDF Transcript
- For more information:
- Twitter: @HauntNowPod
- Instagram: @HauntNowPod
Season One Content Warning
Courtney Floyd: Hey there ghosts, ghouls, and indeterminate spirits who go bump in the night. I’m Courtney Floyd, creator, writer, show runner, and voice of Eulalie in The Way We Haunt Now, and I’m manifesting on this RSS feed to give you a warning…
SFX: Scary sound
Courtney Floyd: A content warning, that is.
SFX: theme music (simple guitar picking with occasional cymbal crashes and ghostly oohing) fades in…
Courtney Floyd: The Way We Haunt Now is about death and the afterlife and finding meaning when everything you know about yourself has been turned upside down. Even though this is, overall, a lighthearted horror story, these topics are heavy at the best of times. And we all know 2020 has not been the best of times. If you’d asked me a year ago how I felt about unleashing a story about death into the world, I would’ve given a much different answer than I would today. I want to acknowledge that these are very hard subjects, and maybe this is not a good time for you to engage with them and that’s okay. Maybe this is too triggering for you right now, and that’s valid. It’s okay for you to take care of yourself.
SFX: theme music fades out, “Ghost” by Chamomile fades in.
Courtney Floyd: But I also believe in the power of death positivity as someone with anxiety and depression who has really found a lot of solace and comfort and new possibilities open up through an exploration of my own mortality. I’ll be sharing resources related to the death positivity movement as they seem relevant in show notes for specific episodes. But I did want to share this general season-level warning that listener discretion is advised. I hope that you take care of yourselves. More specific content warnings will be included with the episodes that they’re needed for. You can also check out for content warnings, transcripts, information about our cast and crew, and a bunch of other fun stuff. Follow us on Twitter @HauntNowPod and Instagram @HauntNowPod. Okay, okay I can feel you gearing up for an exorcism, so I will get off the feed. Thanks for listening.
Resource: Tenets of Death Positivity by The Order of the Good Death