Transcript: Season Two Trailer – Talking to Humans

The word transcript in blocky marker style script, over a background of greenish turquoise brick.

Season Two Trailer – Talking to Humans

SFX: A ghostly soundscape of crows cawing, cicadas and frogs singing fades in…


If things had gone according to plan, Eulalie would never have heard from us again. One haunting is quite enough for a lifetime; more than that and the living tend to get morbid. Hang about in graveyards. Hold seances. Wear out Ouija boards. Not that there’s anything wrong with those things. It’s just…  You know that thing modern teenagers do? What’s it called… Prank calling? Well, humans who’ve been haunted too many times have a tendency toward supernatural prank calling. They don’t intend it that way. But when you’re a ghost getting a barrage of angsty questions from someone you’ve never met, it does start to feel like some sort of terrible, exhausting joke. 

Of course, things did not go according to plan. They so rarely do, unfortunately. Even in the afterlife.

SFX: The ghostly soundscape fades out with a crash of thunder…

SFX: Hotel room tone; a fan in the background.


Um, excuse me? 

SFX: Ghostly rustling. Eerie music with the chiming of bells.


Hello? I just need to get by…

SFX: Ghost hisses and groans.


(shrieks and gasps)

(talking to herself)

What did I do to deserve all of these ghosts? At least with Frankie there was a specific cause. But I haven’t been to any thrift shops. I haven’t tinkered with any antiques. 


And yet. Ghosts. Everywhere I turn.

SFX: Ghost hisses again. 


(losing it) 

Oh, that’s the way it’s going to be?! DON’T MAKE ME GET THE ROSEMARY!  

SFX: A ghostly soundscape of crows cawing, cicadas and frogs singing fades in…


So. We talk to the humans, then? 


Yes. We talk to the humans.

SFX: The Way We Haunt Now theme music (simple guitar) fades in over the top of the soundscape… 


The Way We Haunt Now season two, coming Saturday, December 4th 2021.

SFX: The Way We Haunt Now theme music fades out…


Let’s go rustle up some humans!

SFX: Joystick clicks and power wheelchair motor starts running. The wheelchair and voices slowly fade…


This isn’t a rodeo, Josie.


I know that. But it does bear a resemblance…

SFX:The ghostly soundscape fades out with a crash of thunder…

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